GeroBiz Forum™
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GeroBiz Forum
1-hour Zoom meeting weekly for 9 weeks on
Wednesdays starting May 1st – June 26th
High Value, Low Cost $650
A community of like-minded service providers –entrepreneurs, executives & professionals to continue our conversation on how to build a wildly successful career or business which creates a huge positive impact in the world, while accelerating and ensuring a recurring, sustainable income for yourself, and increasing revenues for your business or employer at the intersection of the Longevity Economy and the Talent Development community. This experience is for those few who are ready to step into their mission and play a much bigger game. On their own terms. No matter your experience, your stage of life, your age, natural abilities or current role and place in the Talent exploring the vanguard of Ageless Futures with your new or scaled GeroBiz™. Make waves and lead by example. Be part of our tribe.
1 Payment of $650
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2 Payments of $395
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©2019 Karen Sands, LLC, Broad Minded Publishing & Ageless Way Academy, LLC.
All rights reserved. Capitalization of terms indicates trademark.
May not be duplicated, retransmitted or reproduced without permission.
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